Thursday, January 15, 2015


I have seen this run down house all of two times, and I am sincerely in love with it already.

It needs oh so much updating, but I can see past all that and this is what I see:

//Early morning breakfast with my husband in the kitchen, looking out over the miles to a beautiful sunrise// little feet padding out of their rooms in the morning to the kitchen for their warm milk// a sweet little bundle of baby girl sleeping in her rock and play in the living room// my husband and I working together to finish the basement and get our Family Room completed as a place to send those little rascals to play// room outside for the kiddos and I to roam// a little hill for them to sled down before having a hot chocolate break// so many precious memories of the best, craziest, hardest, longest, and shortest time of our lives//

I don't look through rose colored glasses; I know the reality of what we are taking on right now. And we are ready for the challenge and are excited to see what God has for our family in this new adventure.

//"Home is the nicest word there is." Laura Ingalls Wilder//


  1. Kayla, we are in the same boat however I would never be able to express it as well with words. Bravo. And congrats- best of luck to you and your beautiful family. We will miss you.

    1. Thank you Lindsey! I hope your house hunting and moving goes well!

  2. Whops, maybe you dont even know who this is. hahaha, Lindsey <3

  3. I love this! Welcome to New York!! --Ann Lapp
