Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Sitting at the dining room table, I can see out four windows and one door. I see an old wooden blue feeder that often entertains a few cardinals; through another window I see a rusty burn barrel and some pine trees; I can see up the hill to the neighboring fields, and to my right I see the neighbors silos through the trees between us. This room is open and bright, and quite often dirty and snow tracked. The majority of the time there are food and/or play-doh crumbs on the floor and table, craft supplies cluttering the little table in the corner, and it is temporarily housing two desks until the basement is ready.

Here's how it looked before...

((These three pictures go from left to right in the room. The far right wall(with no windows) is the wall that we took out))

((The main door and coat closet))

((What used to be a door that led to the laundry. We closed off this door and knocked down the entire wall that you faced when you first walked into the house))

Besides opening up the space a bit, Brian laid new flooring, family helped to paint, and we had the floor insulated. We added a chandelier that I refinished, a few things on the walls, and my favorite bookcase Brian got free from a job when we were engaged.

Here is it now...

((This is where the wall was, blocking the door and window))

((Addi and Chase making a playdoh mess creation))

Our dining room, like most of yours I imagine, gets a lot of use and abuse. We eat, we talk, we welcome daddy home, we do crafts, we pay bills, we fight, we love. I hope our dinner times together lasts a long, long time.

I love how the room feels now and hope that anyone who walks through the door feels welcome and at home here.

//“When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?"

"What's for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?"

"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet.

Pooh nodded thoughtfully. "It's the same thing," he said.”

― A.A. Milne//


  1. Hey-oh! I didn't know you have a blog...sweet! :) Your home looks great...and I especially love your wood grain floors. You're one of the lucky ones who seem to have a knack for home decorating...I seemed to have missed that gift. ;) Hope you're staying warm + cozy today!

    1. Thanks for the comment! I do enjoy it and have practiced on our home a lot :-) The floors are probably my favorite thing about this space. And yes to staying warm! Scraping wallpaper helps ;-)
