She is finally here and we love her to itty bitty pieces already! Gracyn Jade King, born on March 25 2015 at 2:00 pm, weighed 8lb. 2oz. and was 20 inches long. It was easily my best birthing experience and my first all natural one too. She is just so precious and snuggly and I am enjoying the newborn stage all over again and with more intensity than before :-) After having two already, I am so aware of the speed of time, and I am hoping she will stay newbornish a bit longer than usual.
My mom was here for a week and a half, taking care of Chase and Addisyn while we were at the hospital and taking care of us all when we got home. :-) This is the first time I had someone sleep here after a baby and having her here made a world of difference! I still got up to feed during the night but was able to get a good nights sleep in between feedings and have been recovering so quickly. She also took Chase and Addi home with her for a week so I am able to rest and enjoy Gracyn all by myself :-) .
//Welcome to our family, sweet girlie. We love you to the moon and back, forever and a day!//
Such a beautiful daughter, Kayla! I hope your week is full of snuggles + rest!